wausau high school 1939

What is Wausau High School 1939?

Wausau High School 1939 was a public high school located in Wausau, Wisconsin. It was established in the late 1800s and went through many changes over the years. In 1939, the school was a bustling institution with a student body of over 1,000 students.
The school offered a wide range of classes, including English, math, science, history, and physical education. It also had many extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, music programs, and clubs.

What Was Life Like at Wausau High School in 1939?

Life at Wausau High School in 1939 was vastly different from what it is today. The school was much smaller and the student body was much more tight-knit. Students had to walk to school or take public transportation, as cars were not as common as they are today.
Despite the differences, many aspects of high school life remain the same. Students still had to study hard, attend classes, and take exams. They also participated in extracurricular activities and made lifelong friendships.


Q: What Happened to Wausau High School 1939?

A: Wausau High School 1939 closed its doors in the 1970s due to declining enrollment. Today, the building has been repurposed as a community center.

Q: What Famous Alumni Graduated from Wausau High School 1939?

A: Notable alumni from Wausau High School include former NFL player Jim Sorgi and Wisconsin State Senator Jerry Petrowski.


Wausau High School 1939 was a beloved institution in the Wausau community. While it may no longer exist, its legacy lives on through the memories of its alumni and the impact it had on the community.